Certified School Risk Managers Program

The Certified School Risk Managers Program (CSRM) will provide you with the in-depth knowledge of the risk management process and terminology based on the philosophy and theory of school risk management. The CSRM curriculum and national designation are provided by the Risk & Insurance Education Alliance. There are five 8-hour courses required for CSRM designation. CSRM is a cohesive, unified education and designation program that builds risk management knowledge as it builds trust within the school system. Participants will attain an in-depth knowledge of the risk management process and terminology based on the philosophy and theory of school risk management. They will also learn how to better protect their schools against unplanned losses and to effectively maintain budget integrity in tough economic times by gaining proficiency in risk identification, analysis, control, financing, and administration.

The CSRM faculty consists of practicing school risk management professionals. Participants will become more efficient, knowledgeable, and better able to affect the total cost of risk impacting the budget of the school system. The CSRM Program was developed to further the professional development of the risk management team — giving participants a competitive edge. WASBO is thrilled to bring this opportunity to Wisconsin school district professionals employed as risk managers, employee benefits or safety coordinators, and administrative or other positions that oversee the risk management function. Service Affiliates who work with school risk managers are also encouraged to attend.  

Fall 2024 Registration Now Open! All Courses will be Virtual!


Update credit requirements:

The Risk & Insurance Education Alliance requires each individual holding the CSRM designation to attend one of the courses specified in its entirety every 12 months. (The update or 12-month period is determined by the CSRM designee's birth month.) These courses include:


One Scholarship Available!

Due to the generous support of M3 Insurance, WASBO is awarding one scholarship to Wisconsin education professionals who plans to seek their Certified School Risk Manager designation in Spring 2024. The scholarship will cover registration for each of the five sessions that will be offered virtually. Apply by September 3, 2024! The scholarship recipients will be notified by September 10 with the intent of beginning sessions on September 24. If you have questions, contact Kristin Hauser at [email protected].

Program Benefits

The benefits of the CSRM Designation include:
• Protect students and faculty by managing the school district safety program
• Learn how to better protect the district against unplanned and unforeseen losses
• Learn how to stay within budget and maintain budget integrity
• Lower the cost of risk and become proactive in managing risks
• Learn how to save taxpayer dollars
• Better understand the Workers’ Compensation program
• Learn how to better protect district assets
• Assure compliance with laws and regulations
• Gain skills in identifying potential sources of loss
• Earns trust and credibility within the school system
• Have the ability to maintain budget integrity in tough economic times
• Opportunity to network with other school business officials about risk management
• Affects the total cost of risk, impacting the school districts budget Increases skills in identifying potential sources of loss within school operations
• Meets the dramatically increasing demand for basic risk management knowledge in and beyond the school environment
• Especially designed to meet the needs of school risk managers, school business officials, employee benefits and safety coordinators, and those in administrative positions that oversee the risk management function in schools Improves ability to forecast loss amounts and maintain adequate reserves
• Demonstrates professional competence through attainment of the CSRM designation
• Provides opportunity to network with other school business officials about risk management

The Five Courses

Fundamentals of Risk Management

This course provides an in-depth look at the overall risk management process, delves into the identification step of the process, and examines the function of the school risk manager.
• Risk Management Function and Process
• School Risk Manager
• Identifying School Risks: Logical Classifications
• Identifying School Risks: Methods
• Gathering Loss Data

Handling School Risks

This course studies the development of a safety and health plan, loss control fundamentals, risk control and mitigation of exposures, and managing school claims. A post-accident loss control reduction technique is included.
• Introduction to and Fundamentals of Controlling Risk
• Safety and Health Program for School Districts
•  School District Exposures
• Managing School Claims

Funding School Risks

The purpose of this course is to examine various loss funding techniques, including guaranteed cost programs, deductibles and retention programs, pools, and transferring risk through contracts.
• Introduction to Funding School Risks
• Foundations for Funding
• Options for Funding School Risks
• Reserving for School District Risks
• Finance Issues for the School Risk Manager

Measuring School Risks

• This course includes the mechanics of developing, forecasting, and trending losses to be used in determining insurance program retentions and deductibles.
• Introduction and Qualitative Analysis for School Risks
• Qualitative Risk Assessment and Loss Run Analysis
• Quantitative Analysis: Tools and Forecasting
• The Risk Analysis Process

Administering School Risks

•  This course covers how a school risk manager implements and monitors the school risk management program, the risk management team, information technology, allocating costs, ethics in school risk management, and requests for proposals.
• Introduction to Administering School Risks
• The School Risk Management Team
• Communicating with the Risk Management Team
• Implementing the Risk Management Program
• Monitoring the Risk Management Program

Who Should Attend

Those employed by school districts as risk managers, employee benefits or safety coordinators, administrative, or other positions that oversee the risk management function, will benefit significantly by earning this designation. Insurance agency, brokerage, and company personnel who work with school risk managers also are encouraged to attend. Networking with other risk managers is encouraged throughout the CSRM Program. This includes:
• Risk Managers
• Employee Benefits Coordinators
• Safety Coordinators
• Business Managers
• Workers’ Compensation Coordinator
• Human Resource Manager
• School Nurse
• Insurance Agencies
• Insurance Representatives who work with schools

What to Expect

CSRM courses are intensive, concentrated learning experiences that can be applied to the workplace immediately. Participants will receive personal, expert instruction for the real-world issues of managing risks.
Each one-day course is available through classroom or online instruction, and includes an optional multiple-choice examination. (Examination is required for those pursuing the designation.)


To Earn Designation

To earn designation as a CSRM one must complete all five courses of study and pass an examination after each course. All five courses will be offered by WASBO over a one year time period. For designation through The National Alliance, one must successfully complete all five CSRM examinations within three years from the date of the first course taken. Course fees include all course outlines and reference materials.


Session Materials:

A link to the notebook for the class will be emailed to registrants. If previously requested, you received a hard copy of the Learning Guide via USPS Priority Mail.  Contact Kristin at [email protected] to request a hard copy of the Learning Guide.  Delivery of the hard copy cannot be guaranteed if requested within one week of the start of the course.


Earning your Initial CSRM designation:

If you are attending this course to complete your initial CSRM designation, an exam is required and no “CE” credit needs to be processed.


CSRM Designation Update Credit Only (Annual):

If you are attending this course to complete your CSRM designation annual update credit only, no test is required, and no CE credit needs to be processed.


Insurance Continuing Education (CE) Credit Only:

If you are attending the webinar for continuing education/insurance license update (CE credit) only, you don't need to take an exam. On the day of the course, please go to the Risk & Insurance Education Alliance site, www.scic.com   Go to PROfile, login and then go to the Courses tab. Under the 'Action' column, select 'Request CE/Modify' to complete and submit your request. You must complete your request by the end of the course.  For accurate reporting, participants must include their name (as it appears on their license), state of license, and license/NPN number. CE will be processed after attendance is verified. Most states require 100% attendance for state CE credit.

Participants from MI, SC, FL and WI that are requesting Insurance Continuing Education (CE) are also required to complete and submit an affidavit of webinar attendance to receive state reported continuing education credit for instructor-led webinar courses.

To complete and submit the affidavit (ONLY applies to residents of MI, SC, FL, and WI requesting Insurance Continuing Education):


  1.  Log into PROFile at www.scic.com

  2.  Go to the My Courses tab and then select Course History

  3.  Locate the Affidavit button for your course under the Action items column

  4.  Electronically sign the affidavit and hit submit


You will have 65 minutes to complete the exam once you begin.  The exam is 50 questions, multiple choice.  Your results will be available immediately after submitting your exam. 


How to Access Your Exam:

If you have not accessed your PROfile before or if you forget your login information, you can request it at this link:  https://www.scic.com/customer/account/login


Note: We suggest that you access your PROfile during class to ensure you have the correct login information.  This way you have time to contact the Client Support Team for assistance prior to the exam window opening.


The exam is digital and is accessed through your Learning Portal. Log in to your PROfile at https://pro.scic.com/SignIn.  You will click on “Learning Portal” icon at the top of your home screen.  On the “Course History” page of the PROfile, select the appropriate “Launch Learning Portal” button to find exam instructions and take the final exam.  Once you’re in the Learning Portal, you will see the title of your course.  Please click on the Launch button to access the course content.  If you’ve already been in the course, the button will say Resume.  Launching your course will display the exam/proctor instructions, the Exam Policy Acknowledgement and Affidavit, and the digital final exam. The affidavit only applies to CISR and CSRM.

Exam Availability:

The exam window is the period of time the exam for your course is available. For CSRM courses, the exam window opens immediately following the course and remains open until 11:59 PM CENTRAL TIME the following Thursday. (For example: If your course ends on Tuesday, the exam window is open until 11:59 PM the Thursday of the following week).

PLEASE NOTE: These are the only times the exams are available! The exam windows cannot be opened prior to the above schedule. You MUST take your exam during the exam window scheduled for your event.


Exam Proctoring:

CSRM online exams require a proctor.  You need an individual to proctor you while you take the online exam.  All final exams require you to have a proctor who is a disinterested third party to monitor your exam. A disinterested third-party is someone with no direct business or family relationship to you. For example, an agency principal, a supervisor, a subordinate, a friend or family member would NOT qualify as a disinterested third party.  Some examples of a disinterested third party are: a coworker who exclusively works in a training/HR role or a local proctoring facility/testing center. Many libraries and colleges also offer proctoring services.  Your proctor must be present when you launch the exam through the entirety of your attempt. You have three options when choosing a proctor.

  • Option #1: You may use MonitorEdu as a virtual proctoring option. With MonitorEDU, an extra device such as a smartphone or tablet is required. A proctor will observe you remotely on camera while you complete the exam at home or work. No appointment is necessary, and proctors are always available. First, navigate to www.allianceproctor.com and pay their $18 proctoring fee. Write down your order number and close the browser window.  Click on “connect to the proctor” button.  Input your name, email address, phone number, exam name and order number from your email receipt (you can also use the last four digits of the card you used.  When you are ready to take the exam during the exam window, return to this site and click “start chat” to connect with your proctor.   Additional information is available at www.monitoredu.com/faq
  • Option #2: You may visit a brick-and-mortar testing location. The quickest way to locate a proctor in your area is to conduct a Google search for “approved proctors near me.” Your search results will yield official testing centers at colleges, universities, libraries, and learning centers. Licensee Insurance Associations (PIA, IIA, etc.) are approved in-person testing locations.
  • Option #3: Someone in a dedicated HR or training department role within your organization may proctor.

***Your instructor or onsite coordinator is available to proctor for those who would like to take the online exam on the day of the course.  Please note an exam is required for each CSRM course; if you take two courses in a week, you have the same time frame to complete both online exams. 


Request a Proctor:

Step 1: Sign into your PROfile https://pro.scic.com/SignIn

Step 2: Select the My Courses tab.

Step 3: Select the Course History tab.

Step 4: Under Action Items of the course you are taking, click on Request Proctor to complete the Proctor Form. 

If you have any problems accessing your exam please contact The Risk & Insurance Education Alliance’s Client Support Team at [email protected]. The Risk & Insurance Education Alliance customer support closes at 6pm CST.  Please be advised that anyone testing after 6pm on the last day of the exam window will not have support available.


Exam Tips and Notes:

  1.  Question responses will save automatically when the test-taker goes to the next page.

  2.  Exam takers should plan for a quiet environment without distractions.

  3.  No notebooks, study materials, or cell phones are allowed during the exam.

  4.  You may have a blank sheet of scratch paper and a simple function calculator during the exam.  The sheet of paper needs to be destroyed after testing and no programmable or financial calculators are allowed.

  5.  Leaving the exam room is not allowed, except to use the restrooms.  No cell phones or other materials may be taken with the student when they leave the room.

  6.  The proctor must be in the room during the exam and remain in a location where they can see the participant's screen.

  7.  The digital exam has a time clock to help the proctor enforce the time limit.  All exams will auto submit after time expires.  Participants finishing the exam before time has expired are permitted to submit their exam.

  8.  Be sure to review your answers on all exam pages before submitting your exam.






One Scholarship for the Five Core Fall CSRM Sessions are available due to the generosity of M3 Insurance. Apply at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Fall2024CSRMScholarship. Applications must be submitted by midnight on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Anyone may apply.

Scholarships for the CSRM Program are offered through the Risk & Insurance Education Alliance for classroom sessions. Apply at https://www.riskeducation.org/the-national-alliance-scholarship/. Eligible candidates are those who have not previously participated in the CSRM Program and intend to attain their designation. You do not have to be nominated. Anyone may apply.

Please sign up for online courses at https://www.riskeducation.org/csrm/ and use the code "WASBO" at checkout. Contact Kristin Hauser at 608.729.6641 for more information regarding CSRM Online courses.